Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Drawing a Conversation

Here a a few links to videos to supplement todays lecture...

Deb Sokolow

Jenny Holzer

Glenn Ligon

Robert Montgomary

Journal/ Sketchbook Assignment: Textual sketches
and studies due March 16th:
Open a Dictionary to random pages and point to words without looking and read definitions. Make a list of at least 10.
Open a fictional book (any) and choose 5 sentences at random. Write them down.
Phrases. Are there phrases, words or lines encountered in a movie, book or in life that fascinates you? Write them down. What struck you about it? Was it the rhythm? The humor? The spelling? The context? The meaning? The visual impact? collect phrases from all over your life. Keep a list. Over the spring break collect/study conversations (verbal/overheard, texts, email, letters, journals)
Jokes. Make a list of 3 jokes that you know.
Do you have a mantra?
Have you ever created a new word or words?
Have you ever misheard a lyric to a song and continue to sing the song that way?

How to make a Dadaist Poem (method of Tristan Tzara)

 Hugo Ball

Saturday, January 17, 2015

"The dancing mobiles" of Peter Minshall

Peter Minshall design

Peter Minshall design

Peter Minshall sketchbook 

Peter Minshall sketchbook

Peter Minshall sketchbook
carnival goers
Peter Minshall design

Also take a look at Mediating Mas: Trinidad Sketchbook, a project by Alex Kahn and Sophia Michahelles (2006) 
Hubcap Rhythm Jumbie 
Alex Kahn